"Do you make space for others to change their minds?" Sure. But they seldom do : )

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I hear you. And I think you're right. Sometimes I think it's about (respectfully) agitating rigid beliefs and planting seeds. Thanks for reading and engaging.

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Jul 17Liked by Megan Mayhew-Bergman

Wonderful and so needed at this time! Nature herself will change our minds (hearts, souls) if we are open to her, as you so eloquently model for us. I have been listing in my journal all the times I’ve had to iterate and reframe strong views. I’m a college professor, and one of the biggest limitations in our world is the dread and risk of saying “I don’t know”. But it’s overshadowed by “I was wrong.” In 35 years of teaching, I have learned to my delight that these admissions are amongst the best things I can do for students. Of course being ‘wrong’ doesn’t have to be reduced to a shameful mistake, as our shallow culture makes it. It may just be growth, development, new information, empathy. We are not fixed creatures, we are mutable, changeable - if we are alive. As always, MMB, you give me such creative and emotional and intellectual springboards. Thank you! ❤️‍🔥

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What a stunning and thoughtful comment. I nodded intensely when I got to the power of the words "I don't know" and "I was wrong." Amazing. And glad to be of help as a springboard - that brings me joy and meaning.

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"I relished the feeling of scoring points with rhetoric." Felt this just yesterday! Incredible piece, putting a finger on the exact inflection point we should focus on from here on.

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